CONTACT INFORMATION | Acorn to Oak Counseling | United States
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The state of Illinois has been a leader in advocating for the continuation of telehealth coverage by insurance providers. If you’re unsure of whether your insurance plan covers telehealth services, please contact them directly (use the number on the back of your insurance card) to familiarize yourself with your benefits.



Are all therapists offering in person & telehealth services?

At this time all therapists continue to offer telehealth services. Select therapists have returned to in person sessions. Please notify the intake coordinator if you would prefer to be assigned to a therapist who has in person availability.


What platform does Empower Family Therapy use?

Empower Family Therapy is utilizing a HIPAA compliant telehealth video platform through Zoom. Clients will have a recurring appointment and link for their virtual appointments. Some clients prefer phone sessions or other video platforms they are more familiar with, it is important that clients understand the risk of various platforms. Finding the best platform for you is a decision that can be made with your therapist.


How does HIPAA & privacy measures apply to telehealth?

Empower Family Therapy continues to prioritize the safety and privacy of clients by offering HIPAA compliant platforms. Our therapists prioritize the privacy of their clients and consistently do their best to maintain privacy in their work-from-home space.


How can I find privacy at home?

Some clients have concerns about how they can create privacy within their home, while their family is home. Many of our clients have become creative- sessions from the car, the laundry room, using sound machines, or scheduling during nap/bedtime. Our therapists are more than happy to explore these concerns on an individual basis to make every client feel comfortable.


How do you do family therapy/ child therapy/ art therapy over telehealth?

Our therapists are trained in how to unite and support families. For many families therapy services were not a possibility due to difficulty in scheduling, transportation, and busy schedules- telehealth offers a solution for families with unique circumstances like these. Telehealth may not be a good fit for everyone. There are pros and cons to in person sessions and telehealth sessions. Your therapist will create a tailored plan for each client/family regarding how best to support their needs.


How should I handle child care during sessions?

Each family is choosing to manage this question differently. Some choose to schedule sessions during naptime, after bedtime, or during screen time to minimize interruptions. Empower Family Therapy therapists are more than familiar with the difficulties of balancing many roles during this crisis- we expect and fully understand the interruptions of family during telehealth sessions. These decisions are best made based off the comfort level of the clients and their therapeutic goals.


Can my partner and I log in from different locations/ be on different devices?

Yes, each couple is encouraged to determine their own preference and comfort level regarding whether they are on the same screen side-by-side or on separate devices. Your therapist can assist you in determining what may be the best fit for you.


Can I do a mix of in person & virtual sessions?

Yes, for many clients a mix of in person and virtual appointments will be the best of both worlds. If you’re interested in in person sessions, please be sure to notify the intake coordinator upon outreach so that you can be paired with a therapist that is seeing clients in person at this time or plans to in the future.



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